SUPERHERO WEEKEND SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday April 12 1:00-5:00p Check-in 6:00p Superhero Activities Wear your costume and play some Superhero games to test your powers. Cost: included with the wristbands 7:00p Superhero Movie Movie: TBA Come enjoy the movie with snacks and drinks Cost: included with the wristband Saturday April 13 9:15-10:30am Waffle Breakfast with Coffee and Juice 6:30-9:00p Superhero …
ST PATTY’s WEEKEND SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday March 15 1:00-5:00p Check-in 6:30p Pot O’Gold Scavenger Hunt Grab your first riddle at the Event Center See if you can snag the pot o’ gold before the leprechauns do. Cost: included in wristband 7:30p Lucky You BINGO and Irish Bar (optional activity – not included in the wristband) Come play your luck …